Is financial aid available for liver transplant in US?
Q: My sister-in-law has been diagnosed with end stage cirrhosis of the liver. She has no health insurance. Is there financial aid available for liver transplant as well as for any drugs prescribed? She is still in the hospital, but they are planning on discharging her soon. If there is financial aid available, please advise? We are in New York.
A:I am sorry to learn of your sister-in-law’s illness. The costs of transplant include transplant evaluation and testing, transplant surgery and follow-up care and medication. From what I have been able to find, among the most common funding sources include: private insurance, Medicare and Medi-Cal, CHAMPUS, Veterans Administration Benefits, Social Security Income (SSI)/Social Security Disability Income (SSDI), Charitable Organizations, Fundraising Campaigns and Self-Pay. If you are interested in pursuing funds from a charitable organisation, please contact a social worker at the State level who can provide counselling on your options and how to apply. The following organisations may provide financial assistance to qualified transplant candidates or recipients and their families.