Is fasting a good way of detoxifying the body?
Q: I want to keep fasts. During fasts I normally eat fruits, dairy products and boiled green vegetables. The purpose of this fast is to detoxify and improve my metabolism. I wish to know what else can I include in my diet other than fruits and milk products. Is it fine to have boiled potatoes? I suffer from flatulence. Every time I pass stools, it is accompanied with a lot of gas. I am a 27 years old girl weighing 63 kg.
A:In order to detoxify your body you need to eat a lot of raw vegetables, fruits, sprouts, vegetable & or fruit juices. In your fast have raw salads, few almonds, lots of fruits especially those having high water content. Drink lot of water to help in detoxification. Totally avoid outside food, fried foods, refined flours, excess salt & sugar, cold drinks etc. Daily have a juice with coriander + mint + tomato – it’s a blood cleanser. Chew your food well. Also, avoid talking while eating. Go for regular brisk walking. Chew a small piece of ginger after meals to avoid indigestion. Do not follow any fasting or a detox programme if you have lose motions. Do it under supervision.