Is disc injury a cause for my erectile dysfunction?
Q: I had a lumbar disc injury, which had a significant impact on my sex life. I don't have much pain but there is slight discomfort. I am having considerable difficulty in getting erection and the penis is very weak and withered when flaccid. All urological testing has been taken and are good. The disc injury L3/L4 4mm X 18mm protrusion, L4/l5 3mm X 13 mm protrusion, L5/S1 3mm X 12 mm protrusion. Their is encroachment of these nerve roots. Why am I having erection problems? What should I do to make it better?
A:Spinal cord injuries are among the commonest causes of organic erectile dysfunction. The cause usually is neurological and due to nerve compression as in your case. Most cases will respond to the new PDE5 inhibitor drugs like Viagra. Try these. They work in 70 to 75% of cases. If not, you will need proper andrological evaluation of your erections.