Is continuous buzzing a sign of Tinnitus?
Q: I am a 23 years old male. From the last 5 months, there is a continuous buzzing / ringing in my left ear. I was suffering from bad cold and sinus problem before this problem started. This continuous sound is very disturbing. I cannot concentrate on anything. There is no headache. The doctor has prescribed me Zapiz. I feel this is tinnitus. Please tell me what to do.
A:Tinnitus needs to be evaluated with a few basic tests to find out if the reason is because of allergy, frequent cold and sinus that you have, your hearing nerve status, hearing centre in brain and whole tract, your habits, detailed medical history etc. After having done all this we may be able to chalk out the treatment plan. You need a good ENT evaluation and a lot of patience. Tinnitus diagnosis is difficult and not easy to treat.