Is Asperger syndrome curable?
Q: My grandson living overseas is 4years old. He is said to have Asperger syndrome and is undergoing therapy for it. Is this curable? Can the treatment be continued in Chennai (India)? He has a good memory and enjoys playing with numbers but does not talk to anybody in his class. Please help.
A:When Asperger wrote published his report of 12 children, he called them "Little Professors". Asperger Syndrome is classified under the umbrella group of developmental disorders called Autistic Spectrum Disorders or Pervasive Developmental Disorders. These children are variably called as High Functioning Autistics. In general, they have a good prognosis. They need behavioural therapy and other therapies aimed at improving social skills, special education etc. Yes, your child’s management can be done in India. But I would like to know where in the US and at which centre is he being treated at present. Some of their centres are better equipped to help your child.