Is 99-100 degree Fahrenheit body temperature normal?
Q: I am a 38 years old male and I had jaundice twice. Is there any long term problem associated with a person whose core body temperature normally lies between 99 and 100 degree Fahrenheit? Also does it affect a person's ability to procreate? I know what the normal body temperature is for an average person. Also wanted to know does our body metabolism rate affect our body temperature?
A:Depending on the thermostat settings in the hypothalamus in our brain, human core body temperature shows a whole range of variation in different individuals. This reading would be certainly affected by the metabolic rate, circadian / day and night variations, exercise, menstrual cycle, clothing, alcohol, ambient environmental temperature. As long as there are no symptoms to suggest any infections like tuberculosis, thyroid disorders, joint and muscle disorders, weight loss etc, this maybe a normal core body temperature for you. This would not affect the ability to procreate but avoid environments / activity / drugs, which can further increase your body temperature and reduce sperm count. Check for hepatitis B and C markers in view of your past history of jaundice and get yourself vaccinated for hepatitis B if not already vaccinated.