How to treat pain due to muscle sore?
Q: I am a male, aged 38, suffering from pain in the right hand from shoulder to finger tips and a bit in the right side of the brain, whenever I use the mouse on the computer, or (of late even) when I write (press pen between the fingers) or use the remote (pressing buttons with fingers) while watching TV. This problem is only on the right limb - no such feelings on the left side. This is persistent since over a year now, have got an MRI (of brain & spine) done (result : no abnormalities detected); NCV and EEG also done at Bombay Hospitals - but again no abnormalities detected. At times also feel numbness/coolness is the right hand. The symptoms vanish when I visit either a physiotherapist (who gives current & heat on the arm/neck) or an acupuncturist or when a heat regularly the right hand and arm; but reoccurs upon usage of computers. I am an assistant prof in Computer engg and so cant leave using computers. Pl advise, what should I do ?
A:You seem to be working long hours and your muscles are sore. Since the X-rays have not shown any abnormality, and you improve after heat treatments, you should take care of your posture, improve your muscle power of neck and shoulder and follow a few tips. Check that your walking surface is conducive to proper posture. See that your elbows are flexed at 90% to 100%.Sit upright.Take frequent breaks at the computer (10 to 15 minutes break for other productive work) every one hour.Use holder to hold paper. See that your monitor is at least 20 to 24 inches away from the eyes. Do not bend over while typing. Choose a firm mattress to sleep. Since you have pain in the hand, try to sleep straight on the left side. Do not sleep on your stomach. Do not carry weights. Since you have been to physiotherapy clinics, you should continue the exercises (neck and shoulder) at least thrice a day.It is only a little bit of care and exercises that you need to make a habit and you should be fine.