How to treat a CT scan lesion in a child?
Q: My niece 6 years old got fits first time 1 month back. Then doctors ordered a CT scan which showed a 2 cm circular white lesion in the upper part of the brain. Blood tests reveal nothing. Doctor advised us to wait three months and see whether it increases or disappears. Is there a method to find out what it exactly is without surgery? Is it curable or not? I will be thankful if anyone responds to me quickly.
A:The finding of a lesion on the CT brain of a child who has had a seizure, is a common occurence in our country. In medical terminology they are called Inflammatory granulomas and they are usually secondary to neurocysticercosis - a dying egg of a parasite that infects us by our eating unwashed vegetables or fruit or pork. The course of action suggested by your doctor to wait for a few months while keeping the child under antiseizure medicine cover, is the right one. A CT scan of the brain can be repeated after 4 months and mostly the lesion disappears. Meanwhile, one should rule out tuberculosis of the brain by getting a Mantoux skin test and a chest X ray. I hope this note eases your anxiety.