How to manage weight gain due to polycystic ovarian disease (PCOD)?
Q: I am a 25 yr old married woman. I took some pills to postpone my periods in January 2002 and have been having irregular periods since July i.e. I get my periods every alternate month. This time I got very scanty periods. I have also gained a significant amount of weight (30 pounds) in the last 3-4 months. I got an ultra-sonography done and the report says: Sonographic study of the whole abdomen reveals no significant organic lesion other than marginally enlarged ovaries with a few tiny peripheraly arranged follicles partially resembling polycystic ovarian disease (PCOD). Right ovary measures 4.4 cm X 1.7 cm, left ovary measures 4.2 cm X 1.7 cm. I have slight swelling over my stomach. I also got a thyroid test done which turned out to be normal. I would like to know how serious is this and what do you advise me to do? I am trying to lose weight but I was told that it is difficult to lose wieght because my hormones work against me. Do I need to take dietary precautions?, and if yes, what should I avoid eating. Would I have to take further hormones to cure this or would you suggest homeopathy as a cure for the same.
A:In PCOD, that you seem to have, irregular periods and weight gain are common. You should not get unduly worried about it. For losing weight, restrict the calorie intake and do exercise e.g. brisk walking for an hour or more. Eat a lot of leafy green vegetables - spinach, cabbage - and other green vegetables - beans etc. Do not go for crash dieting and rapid weight-loss. Aim for slow and steady loss.