How to manage continuous sneezing and nasal itching?
Q: I am 33 years old and had continuous sneezing and nose itching problem from last 4 years. Recently after using Flixonasal spray, I was comfortable without any problem. I used this spary for one month and after that for the rest of five months I was ok. Nowadays I am using this nasal spray for a month (daily) after a gap of around 4 months or for a week (daily) after a gap of every one month or whenever the problem appears continuosly. But I have the following doubts and questions. 1. Some say using Flixonasal spray will cause cancer near the nose, eyes, brain and throat. Is this true? 2. If I use this spray in gaps as mentioned above am I going to get any of the above problems in future? Do you think what I am doing now is correct? Or what should be done? 3. Some doctors say I should do nasal surgery. But I dont want to do any surgery as I am afraid. And I dont want to do surgery because I can almost avoid the above sneezing and nose itching problems by using only hot water for drinking and face wash. If I use cold water I again get above problems. 4. Some doctors say doing nasal surgery will cause side effects like continuos dripping of water from the eyes etc. Please advise.
A:1. No cancer has been reported in patients who use the spray even for long periods. 2. You should use the nasal spray under the supervision of an ENT doctor. 3. Surgery may or may not be beneficial in your case, only an ENT doctor can advise you properly. However, nasal surgery is not associated with watering of eyes etc. 4. You should consult an ENT doctor who may perform a nasal endoscopy and then advise you accordingly.