How to manage broncho-pneumonia in children?
Q: What causes broncho-pneumonia in 5-year-old children? Is it hereditary? How can I prevent it from occurring? Which foods should be avoided by children suffering from broncho-pneumonia? Which sporting activities have to be avoided by broncho-pneumonia sufferers? Does broncho-pneumonia fade away as the child grows older?
A:Bronchopneumonia is infection of the lung and usually is an isolated event. If a child is getting repeated episodes of bronchopneumonia, then we need to look into whether the child has any predisposing factor which could be hereditary. But remember most of the so called bronchopneumonia episodes are quite often mistaken with allergic bronchitis (Hyper reactive airway disease), which are generally not infections, but sometimes may be aggravated with infections. It can be prevented only if you can identify some preventible underlying cause. General food items don't cause these. But if you can identify certain food items that aggravate this, avoid them. Depending upon the symptoms and exercise tolerance of the child you may allow those activities which he can perform without any discomfort. I think you are confusing bronchopneumonia with bronchitis (Hyper reactive airway disease) which usually tends to fade away as the child grows, especially if there is no family history of similar disease.