How to manage a child with speech problem?
Q: I am 30 years old and have two children aged 5 years and 4 months respectively.The elder one is having difficulty in speaking even 2 or 3 words properly. He speaks 'khel' as 'hel' i.e. he cannot speak as clearly as other children of his age. What should I do? Is this normal or should he be tested?
A:If your son is active and doing things and playing well, his articulation of certain sounds will come naturally. If you live in a place where you can get a speech therapist to look at him, you could try. Otherwise, if k is the only sound he cannot make, you need not worry. Can he hear well? Does he go to a Nursery School? What do his teachers think of him? I would need much more information in order to give you any more advice. Teach him songs and slokas or hymns. I feel that might help him.