How to manage a child suffering from fever?
Q: I have a baby boy 15 months old. For the last 3 days he has fever only at night which returns to normal by morning. Today the fever was 39.5 throughout the night and did not come down. We have been using capsule ADOL (inserted in back) for the past 3 days but with no improvement. Our health centre doctor prescribed the following: 1)ADOL Syrup 5ml 3 times a day 2)CEDER Tab 125mg 3 times a day 3)CHLOROHISTOL, 1 spoon daily. The baby has also developed running nose for which the nurse gave steam inhalation with some green colour liquid. I want to know what are the medicines for and shall I continue as per the prescription?
A:It appears that ADOL is probably paracetamol and you need to give that only when the patient is having fever. The popular brands of paracetamol are syp crocin/syp calpol. Regarding Ceder, it is an antibiotic, and I cannot comment whether to use/not to use as I have not examined the patient and there is no blood count report to suggest any bacterial infection. Chlorohistol appears to be an antihistaminic which Im not sure of as its not a popular brand name. I could suggest you to use syp Triaminic 3.5ml thrice a day for the running nose or simple saline nasal drops.