How to manage a baby who suffered convulsions at birth?
Q: My nephew is 3 1/4 months old. During birth he had convulsions and he was kept in a neonatal hospital for about 2 weeks. Secondly, he did not get oxygen during and even 4 minutes after birth. He got oxygen after 1 hour when he was admitted to the hospital. Local doctors feel that there may be brain damage? Please advise on my problem?
A:From your description it appears that your nephew suffered from perinatal asphyxia which means lack of oxygen around the time of birth. This condition leads to effect on various body organs and may also result in damage to vital organs like brain. Those babies who manifest with convulsions and abnormal neurological behaviour in the newborn period are likely to be developmentally slow. Please get him examined by a pediatric neurologist and certain investigations may be required to confirm this. Very often medications don't help to overcome this problem, the only option is to go through vigorous occupational therapy which means early stimulation and certain excercises to improve neurological outcome.