How to keep BP under control?
Q: My blood pressure was around 140/95 and pulse rate around 110 bpm. Later, I started taking Catanol-50 mg tablets and since then my blood pressure is remains very close to 130/90 and pulse rate around 80 bpm. I have observed that after 24 hrs of my tablets I start feeling uncomfortable and gradually my beats increase. Kindly let me know what action I should take? I have also undergone ECG-TMT test which was negative and my beats reached 165 after 9 minutes during of the test. Kindly suggest a line of action. My lipid profile is normal and I am monitoring it every six months as per our industry policy. Looking forward for your favourable reply.
A:I think you are doing well on beta blockers. Keep your cholesterol very low and do at least 30 mins of exercise every day. Beta blockers are very safe in long term. The target of BP should be less than 140/85 mms Hg.