How to increase my grandson's appetite?
Q: My one-year-old grandson weighs 7.18 kg and his height is 72.4 cm. There is almost no gain in his weight and height for the last two months. He has four upper and two lower teeth. He does not take proper feed and milk although he is quite active. If we try to feed him milk with a spoon, half the milk gets spilled. He takes solid food, breast feed and has a liking for liquid food like water and juice. I want to know how to feed him sufficient quantity of milk so that he gains weight and height. Does he require any medicine for increasing appetite? Please adviseappetite? Please advise.
A:A one-year-old baby requires 2 or maximum 3 milk feeds in a day along with 3 solid meals. It is more important that a child eats food than drinks milk at this age. Milk can be substituted with dahi and paneer. At one year, a child eats every thing that is cooked at home for the family. A child’s weight at one year is approximately 3 times the birth weight and thereafter approximately 1-2 kilos is gained every year. If the baby is following this pattern please do not worry. Use other milk products as substitutes for milk.