How to handle difficulties while feeding a baby?
Q: I have a 11 months old baby girl, she is fine otherwise. Her main problem is that she does not take any solid food at all. Just a bite or two thats all. I am very worried about it as just on milk she won't develop properly. Cerelac too I have to feed through a bottle. I have tried all foods that we generally eat but she just loves chocolates and sweets, which we avoid giving her. Please help how can I make her eat nutritious food like fruits, vegetables etc. Her other problem is that she usually gets running nose, is there any relief measure we can take for that?
A:Feeding a baby is hard work. 1) You have to choose a time when you know the baby is hungry. 2) Choose a feed she may enjoy. 3) Distract her while feeding. 4) Keep trying. There is no short cut. If you keep giving milk, she will never be hungry enough to eat food.