How should I workout with bronchitis?
Q: I had severe bronchitis and now I am advised by my doctor, not to continue with my regular exercise session which included running (not on a treadmill but in an open ground). He says this would again cause the disease. He has asked me to terminate it till the end of winter. Is this true, if so, what other aerobic exercise equal to running can be suggested?
A:Exercise can only be harmful in bronchitis if the effort causes a great deal of coughing or difficulty in breathing. These complications can usually be avoided by taking bronchodilators prior to exercising; some people find inhaled cromolyn or nedocromil to be of special value in preventing exercise -induced bronchospasm. Deferring running outdoors if it is very cold or if the air is polluted is advisable, although wearing a simple mask such as a silk scarf over the mouth can reduce the irritation caused by cold air or pollutant particulates.