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How should I deal with my son's bed-wetting problem?
Q: My son is 21 years old, 6 feet 2 inches tall and weighs 150 kg . Whenever he drinks alcohol on a regular basis, he wets the bed. What should I do?
A:One of the main questions is that: Was your son a bed-wetter during his childhood (primary), or has the problem started de-novo (secondary)? Most of paediatric bed-wetters get dry by 7-8 years. The unfortunate observation is that the incidence of bed-wetting in adolescence and adults is similar (approximately 2.5%), which means that very few get spontaneous cure if they continue to bed-wet beyond childhood. Secondary causes of bed-wetting are:
- Urinary infection
- Problems with muscles or nerves related to the bladder
- Small bladder capacity due to a disease (organic), or increased residual urine (functional)
- Increased amount of urine formation at night, as may happen with poorly controlled diabetics, patients taking diuretics or large amount of fluids.