How should I care for my daughter who suffred from a muconium aspiration syndrome?
Q: My 4 months old daughter was suffering from muconium aspiration syndrome at the time of birth. She was hospitalised for 8 days. She is not taking mother's milk. She is taking lactogen 1 since birth. She weighed 4.4 kg last month. Can I switch to mother dairy milk for her? Can I switch to amul spray formula? Is gripe water safe for her? What other things can be given to her now? We are using johnson baby pads for her, are they harmful in anyway?
A:You can continue formula feeds at least till one year. Switching to amul formula could be done, but she is tolerating one formula so continue the same. Gripe water is not required. She is 4 months old now and is on formula feeds, either you could wait till she gets 6 months old especially if her weight gain is adequate. Otherwise you could start simple home made cereals like suji, daliya or even cerelac. Start with one semisolid diet a day and gradually increase. Just make sure the skin beneath the pads is healthy and also expose the skin to air, in between use, for some time.