How can testicular pain be treated?
Q: I am a 34 years old man having pain in my testis for the last two months. I had my undescended right testicle removed two years back. I got the ultrasound-scan, urine culture and routine test done and all the reports were normal. I consulted another doctor for a second opinion. He too said that there is no problem in the testis and suggested to use suspender to protect the testis. I get pain after ejaculation but the doctor said that there is no relation with this. For the last eight days I haven’t ejaculated and I did not get much pain. After 8 days the pain started after I ejaculated. Am I having pain due to the movement of the testis during ejaculation? Or, do I have a problem in testis/sperm? Please advise.
A:Taking note of the details given by you, in the absence of any testicular swelling and a normal urine examination (i.e. no UTI), these cases are labelled as idiopathic chronic orchialgia. The cause may be non-infectious orchitis (i.e. non infectious inflammation). Apart from a physical examination by an expert, a scrotal ultrasound should be done.
Treatment of chronic orchitis/ orchialgia is supportive. Anti-inflammatory analgesics help in dealing with the inflammation. This condition is self-limited but may take a while to resolve.
In addition, for all men, it is a good practice to do regular 'testicular self examination'. Any change in size or consistency in testis should be reported to a urologist to pickup testicular cancers.