How can I get relief from backache?
Q: I have slight backache just behind and above my buttocks area. Though it is not giving any pain, sometimes when I have to lift, say a bucket of water or even picking up a fallen coin from the floor, it gives a gigglish sensation. I have avoided sleeping on mattresses, started using a soft small pillow for head and sleep on normal floor over a mat and blanket combination. This has almost given total relief, ... almost. But occasionally, the sensation comes back to embarrass me. Earlier I used to do free hand stretching exercises, which I discontinued 2 years back. I also have a small pot like stomach which is also embarrassing sometimes. Kindly suggest me the correct way to eliminate that back-ache like niggling sensation & trim down my stomach.
A:There is nothing much to worry about your back. Take proper care to adopt a proper posture (keep your spine straight) while sitting, standing, lying and all activities of daily living. Do not strain your back. Go down on your knees, instead, when you want to pick up something from the floor. Do not bend your spine. Distribute equal weight on both sides instead of carrying load on one side. You can do some hot water fomentation too. This should ease your back problem. Only after your back gets eased, should you try out the following exercises: Warm-up: Do warming up exercises for 10 minutes. For instance, you can do spot jogging, with your stomach pulled in, for 10 minutes. Exercise: Raise both your legs six inches off the ground. Hold tight and then relax. Repeat 10 times. Crunches: Lie on the ground with your knees flexed. Raise your upper torso so that your lower back goes flush with the ground. Sit ups: Lie on the ground with your knees flexed. Now lift up your torso so that you sit up. You could fix your feet for added support. Cool down: Do some cooling down exercises for 10 minutes. You may repeat spot jogging with your stomach pulled in, as a cooling down exercise also. Remember not to overdo the above exercises as you may injure your back.