How can I breast feed my 3-month-old baby?
Q: I have a three months old baby girl. Right form the beginning I had very less breast milk due to which I could never breast feed my baby properly. After taking advice from the doctor, I switched over to formula milk. But I have a very strong desire to breast feed my child. Please guide me on how to have adequate breast milk so that I can feed my child. The nipple of my left breast is very small due to which I use a nipple shield. Please give me some breastfeeding tips. To add, I am a working woman and have recently joined office.
A:Congrats for wanting to breastfeed. Size of the nipples is not a constraint for feeding. However if you so wish, you may continue to use the shield but actually it is not necessary. With breastfeeding, the trick lies in doing it often. The more you breastfeed, the more milk your body will produce for the baby. Breastfeed often, every 2-3 hours. As you have recently rejoined office, express breast milk into a clean dry utensil, freeze and then microwave to room temperature just before feeding.