How can hygiene be maintained after a kidney transplant?
Q: My mother has recently had a kidney transplantation and will be discharged from the hospital very soon. Please provide some guidelines about maintaining the hygiene to prevent infection etc, since she is on immunosuppresants? Should she stay in an isolated room or should she move about in the house where there are other people?
A:Basic measures for preventing infection in post-transplant period are directed towards maintaining the personal hygiene and of the surrounding place. This includes washing hands with soap and water, especially before preparing and eating meals and returning from outdoors; using tissues during coughing or sneezing and disposing them immediately in an appropriate manner; avoiding close contact with someone, whether in the house or from outside, who is known to have cold or signs and symptoms of respiratory tract infection; maintaining food hygiene and sanitation including cooking to proper temperature and proper storage and disposal especially during summer time. One does not have to stay in an isolated room, though avoid being in the same premises if someone is known to have respiratory tract infection.
Both my kidney had stone,got it removed from one,but i don't want another operation.
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