How can dust mite allergy be managed?
Q: I am a 42 years old man allergic to dust mites, which was diagnosed 10 years back. I had asthma in childhood but not now for the last 20 years. But I feel breathlessness sometime and take Asthalin for the same but only one puff. But when it is dysponea, I take one puff 4-5 times a day for two-three days (it usually happens during weather change). I have noticed that whenever I take puff of asthalin I immediately pass the gas. What could be the reason for this? I am suffering from sinusitis too. Sometime whenever I smell a perfume/ burning of plastic/ smoke or any other severe smell I feel breathlessness and choking. For the last three months I am taking Steronase nasal spray AQ 55 micrograms/dose and Aerius Desloratadine 5 mg. I took Qvar 100 autohaler Beclometasone Dipropionate for a month and have quit now as feeling better. Please advise.
A:You are suffering from confirmed dust mite allergy. You have been treated correctly and adequately for allergic rhinitis and allergic bronchial reactivity. After smooth muscle relaxation by drugs to relieve bronchospasm, gas may be passed. However you may see a gastroenterologist.
I think if you get a full course of dust mite extract vaccination your drug requirement can be significantly reduced or eliminated. Allergy is more common in intelligent persons. You might have perhaps high intelligence.
The anti IgE is experimental, costly, not without side affects and not available in India. You can enrol for clinical trial if it is still going on in USA.
Yoga benefited many cases of asthma in our study with Dr Cheema in AIIMS.