How can asthma be controlled?
Q: My husband is 29 years and old and suffering from asthma, diagnosed a year back. The doctor had recommended Foracort 400 but now he is getting addicted to the same. He starts feeling uneasy without it. We are unable to determine the cause due to which he gets asthma. His stomach also gets upset regularly, if he has anything from outside, which further aggravates his asthma. Is there any correlation with stomach pain and asthma? Is there any homely medicine to take care of his problem and what is the cause of the problem?
A:Asthma is a condition, which may require life long treatment and there is no addiction to inhalers. It is very important for your husband to get a lung function test done on treatment to make sure his lungs are as close to normal as possible. There is a relationship between acid reflux from the stomach and asthma so he needs to get advice on that as well.