How can asthma attacks during surgery be managed?
Q: I was given spinal anaesthesia for my caesarean section. The anaesthesist informed that I have asthma and mentioned that he had adjusted the medication accordingly. However, during surgery I had severe bronchospasm and my condition was critical for sometime. The doctor later said that oxygen levels had fallen to half the normal. Medicines used were deriphyllin, aminophyllin, effcortin. What is the probability that the same prob will occur if I need another surgery? What precautions can be taken?
A:Asthmatic attack during surgery is well known. Prophylactic treatment with broncho dilators is given pre operatively. As C section is an emergency procedure probably there was no time to prepare the patient. In future the broncho dilators should be given parentally before any surgical procedure. With present day management, no untoward effect can take place. Proper control of bronchial asthma at all times will mitigate any severe attack.
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