How can a urethral stricture be treated?
Q: My 5 years old son has urethral stricture for which the urologist has advised urethral dilatation and catheterisation. Is it the right mode of treatment for my young son?
A:Treatment of urethral stricture depends upon its location and length of involvement. While short strictures in mid (bulbar part) do well with dilatation or endoscopic treatment, results may not be long lasting in longer strictures involving posterior or pendulous part of urethra. Even age of the patient has to be taken into consideration while deciding on the treatment of urethral stricture. Endoscopic or dilating treatments may be good for short term, hence acceptable in older population.
Youger patients need long term success, and do not tolerate catheters well (specially children), hence may be better managed with more definitive procedures like open surgical urethroplasty if there is doubt regarding the outcome with lesser invasive techniques. You must discuss all options including their success rates with his Urologist before proceeding for a particular procedure.