Does my hyperactive child need treatment?
Q: I watched the show on hyperactive children and I am compelled to feel that my 10 years old son is hyperactive. Since birth he has been restless, unable to sleep through the night until he was 4 years old. He cannot sit still for the shortest time and gets easily distracted. Is branded naughty, disruptive, restless even at the age of 10, since the beginning of school. He finds it difficult to get a job done and can't take instructions without us yelling and repeating them more than 7 times. Even at the age of ten, cannot handle more than 3 instructions at one given time. I have been advised to get him checked for hyperactivity by an institution that runs these tests. My concern is that if he is indeed hyperactive, then can such a condition be treated and will there be any adverse effects if medication is given? I must include that my son is intelligent and though has to oversee his lessons with a iron hand and much yelling and threatening, does score over 93% overall since the first year of school to date. He is in standard 5 at the moment. Please advise.
A:A ten year old who gets an aggregate of 93% over the last five years, must be a matter for celebration! It does seem as though your son has a mild problem. You as parents seem to have learnt to manage it. Even if you visit experts, they will at best tell you to manage it. There are drugs that quieten a child, but any psychologist would hesitate to recommend drugs, partly because of the long term side effects. Since your method seems to work (at least in terms of academic goals) starting a totally new regimen may be difficult. However, I would like to suggest the following: