Does my husband need to be Statins for all his life to come?
Q: My 34 years old husband is 5.8 feet tall and weighs 80 kg. Latest tests show cholesterol- 200, triglyceride-292, Hdl-40, Hdl/triglyceride-7.2. The doctor has asked him to take Statins including Crestor10 , Fibrofew 160. He has recently quitted drinking and smoking. How long does he need to take the medicines? To add, his father also had heart problems.
A:It is correct to start on Statins for lowering cholesterol levels, particularly in people with a family history of heart disease. The levels need to be combined with life style modification, such as regular exercise, diet control etc. If after 6- 12weeks of this treatment the cholesterol levels are found to be optimal, it may be possible to try withdrawing the medications. In most instances however, cholesterol lowering medications are now continued life long.