Does my daughter require an extra booster dose of DPT and hepatitis vaccine?
Q: My daughter is 5 years old. She is due for a second dose of DPT and hepatitis booster. I am not sure whether I had given her the first booster dose as we were in the process of shifting. The DPT and hepatitis vaccines were given on time. Do I need to give her an extra booster dose even if I had given her one earlier? Will it create any problems?
A:For DPT vaccine give the child the booster dose at 5 years age. No additional booster dose is required if the booster is missed at 1 1/2 years of age. Proceed with remaining immunization as usual, and for the tetanus component of DPT vaccine every five years after the DPT at the age of 5 years. For Hepatitis B immunization, you only need a total of three doses (0, 1 and 6 months - relate to staring of immunization and not the age of the child). Currently, there is no concept of booster dose. If the child has already received the three doses, no additional dose is required.