Does my child need Deflux for his kidney reflux problem?
Q: My son is 25 months old. He has grade 4 reflux problem in his left kidney. He is on low dose antibiotics (ceff-3.5mlat night). This problem was detected at the age of nine months. The doctor told us to keep him on antibiotics. We repeated his MCU, DMSA & ultrasound a month back. One doctor told us to continue his antibiotics and the other has prescribed Deflux for him. As per the second doctor, his left kidney is not catching its growth properly. My son did not got any urine infection last year. Please advise?
A:Kidneys achieve their full potential of growth within 1st two years of life and there is no growth potential after that. Kidney which has a reflux usually remain dysplastic and may not grow even after correction of reflux. There is no advantage of Deflux on kidney’s growth at this age of the patient. I think he should continue antibiotic prophylaxic. You could see Dr. Ballal / Dr. Shankar at Manipal Kidney Institute in Bangalore.
Both my kidney had stone,got it removed from one,but i don't want another operation.
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