Does drinking excessive water lead to kidney disease?
Q: I am 27 years old. I like to work out 4 times a week. Right now I am doing circuit training for about 15 minutes. I am a coal miner and during my nine-hour shift I drink about 2 gallons of water per shift. During the day I drink some water. At work I urinate very frequently. Am I consuming too much water? How much water should I be drinking? Am I hurting my kidneys?
A:It is a myth that too much of water consumption prevents kidney disease. In fact you should take it the other way less intake may create some symptoms of kidney disease and may aid to the formation of kidney stones in those who have tendency to form stones. Obviously too much of intake will result in more output and more frequent passing and this is worse with the people taking too much of tea and coffee. The best way is to tailor your intake with the output. One should drink enough water to produce 1.5 litres of urine in 24 hrs and should restrain taking too much of coffee and tea.
Both my kidney had stone,got it removed from one,but i don't want another operation.
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