Does chronic kidney disease cause pregnancy complications?
Q: I am a 36 years old female, recently diagnosed with chronic kidney disease. My creatinine level is 2.1 and BUN is 31. I have been put on the nephro diet that includes a lot of dietary restrictions. As a result, I have been feeling little weak off late despite taking Eprex 2000 injection once a week along with 2 tablets of Livogen and one tablet of Folvite everyday. I also take two tablets of ShelCal 500 mg daily. Could you suggest me something that can improve my energy levels? Is it okay to get married with this disease? I understand there could be complications related to pregnancy but other than this, are there any other risks?
A:I think your weakness is related most likely to too much dietary restrictions. You should see your nephrologist to see if you have more intake. Pregnancy is no doubt an issue and the chances of a successful pregnancy are lower as well as there is high chance of fetal loss. We should also know the cause of your kidney disease as that may have some implications on pregnancy.
Both my kidney had stone,got it removed from one,but i don't want another operation.
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