Does alcohol intake on regular basis affects my liver?
Q: I am a 43 years old man got a liver function test done. The results are: total bilirubin - 1.0, conjugated bilirubin - 0.2, unconjugated bilirubin - 0.8, SGPT - 33, SGOT - 27, Serum alkaline phosphate - 118, total proteins - 7.0, serum albumin - 4.3, serum globulin - 2.7 and GGT - 65. While the result in each seems to be well within the reference range but I feel they are on the higher side. Does this mean that I am nearing a problem with my liver? I take about 4 pegs of whisky or rum almost on a alternate day. Please advise is my intake ok or should I cut down drinking.
A:Regular usage of alcoholic drinks after a while can affect the liver in the population whose livers are sensitive to alcohol intake. The earliest sign of this would be raised enzymes. The enzyme rise is the earliest biochemical indicator of liver inflammation due to all causes including alcohol usage. The levels go back to normal after a few weeks and the best test for you is to stop alcohol for a few weeks and have the levels rechecked.