Does a patient need to undergo the bypass surgery again after 15 years?
Q: I have read in an article that grafts remain open and keep functioning for 10 to 15 years after bypass surgery. Now what happens after 10-15 years? Does the patient have to undergo second bypass or there is any other way to treat it?
A:When we say, the grafts remain open and functioning for 10-15 years after bypass surgery, then it is the mean figure that we are referring to. There are patients who are doing very well even 20 years after bypass surgery and certain unfortunate patients may have blockages in the grafts very early after bypass surgery. Management depends on the nature of the blockage and the number of blockages that have come back. Some of these blockages are managed with medicines, while others are deemed suitable for angioplasty and are treated with ballooning. However, if major blockages recur, especially of all the three arteries and if they are of diffuse nature, then repeat or redo bypass surgery is suggested.