Does a child with febrile convulsions develop epilepsy later?
Q: This is regarding my little one who is 22 months old. He has the problem of febrile convulsions. The first time he got a convulsion was when he was 19 months old. This has happened thrice. Every time the convulsion came with fever. I have consulted my local medical services here in the UK. Is there any chance of my son getting epilepsy in future? Is there any worry for recurrence? Do I have to do any EEG to see if there are any brain damages due to previous convulsions? I would be extremely happy if you could please get back to me and give me some suggestions, which would help my child?
A:1. Those children who have febrile convulsions during childhood, do have a slightly increased risk (as compared to those who don't have febrile convulsions) of developing epilepsy later on in life. On the other hand, all children with febrile convulsions do not develop epilepsy. 2. A child with 2 febrile convulsions is at a risk to develop a third one. You must take adequate precautions in consultation with your child's neurologist. 3. The decision to perform an EEG should also be taken by the treating physician/neurologist.