Do I have a urinary infection?
Q: I am a 23 years old male and took a urine test for urinary infection. The results are: albumin nil, sugar - nil. Deposits RBCs - occ cells seen/hpf. Pus cells-2-3 cells seen/hpf. Epithelial cells - 2-3 cells seen/hpf. Do these results indicate any urinary infection?
A:Most of patients with urine infection have told tales of urinary voiding symptoms, with pyuria (urine having pus cells more than 5-10 per hpf or more than 10 pus cells per microliter). Urine infection is unlikely with the given urine findings if you do not have symptoms and have not been drinking water heavily to dilute urine substantially. You do have occasional red blood cell, which could be normal, but needs to be verified with subsequent urine examinations, and investigated if the finding persists in the future.