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Can I plan a marriage with hypoplastic uterus?
Q: I am a 27 years old female having a hypoplastic uterus with irregular periods. How to manage it? I am planning for my marriage. Can I plan my marriage?
A:Hypoplastic uterus with no period needs to be assessed and investigated with karyotype, ultrasound, hormone assay and withdrawal for checking the possibility of establishing menses. If it can be done and regular menses can be achieved after/ on treatment, further evaluation would be required. The chances of pregnancy depend on the cause of small uterus. Your options are:
- Marriage with preparation for no future children, but adoption.
- Marriage to man not wanting children
- Marriage to man with already existing children
- Marriage, menses, and child after extensive testing, treatment, and IVF (in case of ovarian dysfunction - as the cause of small uterus) - if having plenty of money and time.
You can look up small uterus / hypoplastic uterus on website for detailed management.