Can I have peanut butter daily?
Q: I am a 73 years old man suffering from gout and have high uric acid level around 6 mg/dl. Recently I read an article on the benefits of eating 2 tablespoons of peanut butter daily as it benefits the heart by up to 40 %. Can I eat peanut butter or does it come under the purine category?
A:Although peanut is technically considered a legume, its purine content is low (less than 50 mg per 100 grams) compared to other more common legumes such as lentils, peas and beans, which have 50-150 mg purine per 100 grams. Thus, it would be acceptable for gout sufferers to include the use of peanut and peanut butter into their diet. However, you need to keep in mind those nuts and nut butters are high in fat, and should be eaten in moderation because of that.