Can I have a child from a surrogate mother?
Q: I am 45 years old and physically fit. I married late due to family reasons. After the marriage I found that my 37-year-old wife has male hormones. I sent her back to her parents seeking a divorce on this ground. I love children and I wish to have a child of my own. I have heard about surrogate mother. Can I have a child from her? Is this facility available in New Delhi?
A:It is difficult for me to comment on the problem of your wife, without knowing details of her history etc. Regarding assisted reproduction you can contact Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, Department of Gynaecology, meet one of the consultants there with appointment, and find out details. May I add, that if you really love children, you can adopt one from the orphanage - you will then give a home and love to someone who really needs them. For someone who loves children so much, I wonder whether it is important to have your own child. Either way, you should take a decision soon. The laws in India may not allow a single parent to adopt a child nor have a child through a surrogate mother. You will have to check with the Ganga Ram Hospital and also the adoption agencies. Also, there is an age limit beyond which, you cannot adopt - it was 42 or 45 years a couple of years ago - please check.