Can cholesterol levels be improved by natural remedies?
Q: I have cholesterol problems. My bad cholesterol is high and good cholesterol is low. I have started exercising and I walk approximately 5 km everyday. Is this enough to reduce cholesterol? I also take cinnamon powder and honey mixed together as it is very good for cholesterol. Please comment on it. What are the natural remedies to improve cholesterol levels?
A:There is no reliable evidence that cinnamon in honey and many other simple inexpensive remedies will reduce serum cholesterol and lipoprotein levels. The only reliable natural method for controlling cholesterol is to reduce animal and other saturated fats in the diet. If overweight, one should reduce total food and calorie intake, and exercise more. Any diabetic problem will also need attention, as will inherited hypercholesterolaemia. Guggulsterone and red rice yeast products can help; many people find nicotinic acid serves as a suitable natural adjunctive therapy. Flax seed oil added to the diet may also be advantageous, as would a soya-based meal plan.