Can a kidney transplant patient marry and have sex?
Q: My friend had a kidney transplantation 2 years ago ? He is planning to get married soon. I would like to know whether his health condition would affect his children too (i.e. will his next generation have kidney failure too)? Would he have any problems in sexual intercourse?
A:Your friend can surely get married provided his kidney function is good (s.creatinine less than 2 mg/dl and he is on least amount of immunosuppression drugs has not had a rejection in last 6 months or so. He should have no problems with sexual intercourse if the above conditions I mentioned are met. He could father children as well. There is no increased chance of his children being affected by kidney transplant. I hope his orginal kidney disease causing kidney failure for which he received transplant was not of genetic or hereditary nature.
Both my kidney had stone,got it removed from one,but i don't want another operation.
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