
Q: I am a housewife and my present age is 35 years. I am suffering in cold and cough for last 15 years. I have consulates several doctors several times and taken all kinds of medicines like allopathic, Homeopathic & Aurvedic but do not get any permanent relief. It is diagnoses by the doctors that I have dust allergy & sinus problem. I have also some breathing trouble. Is it hereditary? My father is an asthma patient. Now my cold & cough problem is continuing through over the year and almost every day I am suffering headache. Everyday morning just after getup from bed, I continued at least 15/20 sneezing. When problems became intolerable, I used to take the following medicines as prescribed by my doctor. i)Loridin (loratadine) 10mg ii) deriphyllin iii) nimodol (nimesulide) 100mg.and get temporary relief by these medicines. Please guide me the medicine/action I should take. With lot of thanks & regards,

A:Given the family history of asthma, it is quite possible that you also have a form of asthma (persistent cough/cold symptoms) without theactual wheezing. - combined with dust allergies. Your doctor shouldarrange a breathing test to test your lung capacity and airflow. This will show whether you have reversible airways disease (asthma).It maybe necessary to use a steroid spray (aerosol)rather than anithistamines- and medications specifically intended to treat asthma.


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