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Skin Care: Follow These Simple Ways To Prevent Acne Effectively

Skin Care Tips: A healthy diet, some home remedies and a good skin care routine can help you prevent acne. Here are some tips from the expert which can help you achieve glowing skin.

Skin Care: A diet loaded with vitamin C can help achieve glowing skin

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Skin, the largest organ of the body is exposed to the environment. Being the first layer of your body it acts as a protecting barrier preventing the germs, sun rays and toxic substances from entering into your body. Many times while performing these functions your skin may go through various changes. You may experience several issues involving acne. It is a common skin problem faced by many these days. There are several possible reasons behind it. Diet is one of the important skin factors which affect your skin health. Following a few simple do's and don'ts linked with your diet that can help fight and prevent acne.

You might be confused about what to eat when you suffer from acne? Does it seem like everything could cause breakout? Are you wondering why your hormones are out of balance? Here are all the answers!

Acne can be classified into 3 types-

Teenager Acne- This type of acne is due to improper diet. Usually, teenagers involve themselves in junk food which contains excess salts and oils which primarily becomes its main cause.

Adolescent Acne- You don't have control over this one as it appears due to hormonal changes that take place inside the body during puberty.

Adult Acne- Primary reasons which a result in for adult acne is lack of proper sleep, excessive consumption of alcohol and stress.

Also read: Diet For Acne: Our Expert Shares 4 Time-Tested And Effective Ways To Prevent Acne

Here is your guide to using a face map to decode what your breakouts are telling you.

  • Forehead- Linked to toxins in the digestive system
  • Nose- Problems related to heart
  • Jawline- Problems due to hormonal imbalance
  • Cheeks- Suggests issues related to stomach and lungs

Poor diet, unhealthy skin care routine and other environmental factors can lead to acne
Photo Credit: iStock

Tips to avoid acne and get glowing skin-

The following tips will help you to avoid acne and bring a natural glow to your skin-

1. Apply only things which you could eat-

You need to be aware that you cannot apply anything that you see around thinking it to be good for your skin. It is advised to apply the natural elements from the mother nature.

2. Mint and Coriander Juice-

This combination offers multiple benefits. It is found very useful as it helps bring more glow to the face.

Also read: Skincare Tips: Try These Essential Oils For Acne-Free Skin

3. Neem Bath/Neem Oil-

Neem a natural beauty enhancer will not only help you to keep acne and pimples away but also in clearing excess oil and dirt from pores.

Neem oil can be applied to the acne directly to soothe down the cells thereby reducing the pain and reduce pus formation.

Neem is loaded with properties beneficial for your skin in several ways
Photo Credit: iStock

4. Papaya Face pack-

Papaya is a great source of Vitamin-A which surely helps you to remove the dead top layer of your skin and inactive protein thereby refreshing your skin.

5. Keep Acne away with Zinc-

Zinc is an active mineral which helps to decrease the production of oils and thus help you to keep acne away. Just by adding ingredients that are rich in zinc like kidney beans, pumpkins seeds, meat, sesame seeds, hemp and almonds will help you to treat severe acne.

Also read: Vitamin E For Acne: Here's How This Vitamin Can Help Fight Acne; Know Ways To Use

6. Consuming wrong combination of foods such as fish and milk together, curds and fruits together can overload the digestive fire and lead to indigestion, bloating, fermentation, gas and production of toxins.

7. Measures should be taken to eradicate constipation.

8. A diet heavily based on daily sugar, processed food, fats, high glycemic carbohydrates should be strictly avoided.

(Shweta Shah is a Mumbai-based nutritionist from Eatfit24by7)

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