Can You Suddenly Become Allergic To A Product You Have Been Using For Years? Dermatologist Tells The Answer
Skincare: There are can be several possible reasons behind skin allergies. Read here as expert explains one of these.
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There is a wide variety of skincare products available these days. Each one of these is loaded with multiple ingredients. A product might work wonders to some while may not give you the same results. Similarly, you might experience a reaction after using a certain product while others won't. Many find it difficult to find out what exactly is leading to an allergic reaction. It can lead to redness, itching, swelling or any other side effect. It is commonly believed that the products you have been using for years cannot lead to an allergic reaction. But is it not true, tells dermatologist Dr. Jushya Bhatia Sarin in her recent Instagram post. Keep reading to find out more.
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Dr. Bhatia says, "When people show up for some skin allergy and they are asked to stop using a certain product, many believe that they have been using this product for years now. So, it will not lead to an allergic reaction. This is a very common misconception about allergies."
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She further adds that allergies can happen from two days to months and years after the usage of the product. If a product works well for you, it does not mean that you will never develop an allergy after using that product. It should not come as a surprise if you develop allergies due to your old products.
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"Stopping the product and observing whether you are getting better without its usage can be the easiest way to find out whether you are allergic to it. It commonly happens with hair dyes and certain fragrances," she further adds.