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Fennel Seeds: 7 Surprising Health Benefits Of Fennel Seeds

Fennel seeds are enriched with a wide variety of nutrients which benefit your health in a plethora of ways. From treating heartburn to curing menstrual problems, fennel seeds can do it all.

India is the largest producer of fennel seeds

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Did you know, India is the largest producer of fennel seeds? Fennel seeds, also known as saunf, are native to the parsley family. The little herb is blessed with a distinct flavor and the ability to cure digestive distress. Most Indian families eat a pinch of fennel seeds towards the end of their meals to enhance digestion and to combat bad breath post a meal. But think deeper; do nutrients like potassium, calcium, zinc, manganese, vitamin C and magnesium only serve the purpose of a mouth freshener? Of course not! Fennel seeds are enriched with a wide variety of nutrients which benefit your health in a plethora of ways. From treating heartburn to curing menstrual problems, fennel seeds can do it all. In this article, we shall acquaint you with the health benefits of fennel seeds.

Fennel seeds are enriched with a wide variety of nutrients which benefit your health in a plethora of ways
Photo Credit: iStock

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Here's a list of 7 most important health benefits of fennel seeds:

1. Regulating blood pressure

Nitrite in saliva is relevant to a healthy blood pressure. Chewing fennel seeds stimulates the production of nitrite which plays an important role in stabilizing your blood pressure. Another important aspect of good blood pressure control is water balance in the body. Chewing fennel seeds maintains healthy potassium levels in your body; this is an essential element for fluid balance in all the cells of your body.

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2. Reducing water retention

Excessive fluids in your body can result in water retention. Drinking fennel tea is a very effective way of reducing water retention; it eliminates fluids from your body effectively. Along with excess fluids, fennel tea eliminates toxins from your body, thereby lowering your risk of urinary problems.


Drinking fennel tea is a very effective way of reducing water retention

3. Treats digestive distress

Any form of digestive distress, be it IBS, constipation, bloating or indigestion; fennel seeds can treat them all. You can either chew the seeds or brew them to prepare a cup of fennel tea, any of these methods can be helpful. Estragole, fenchone and anethole are responsible for the anti-inflammatory properties of these seeds. For those dealing with IBS, the volatile oils in fennel seeds can kick-start the process of digestion by releasing gastric enzymes in the body. Fennel seeds and fennel tea can be your key to a happy digestive tract.

Also read: 11 Foods That Are Great For Digestion

4. Reducing asthma symptoms

Phytonutrients in fennel seeds can be helpful for clearing your sinuses. For those dealing with congestion, bronchitis, chronic and dry cough, a cup of fennel tea can be very helpful in reducing the symptoms. The same goes for asthma symptoms.

5. Improving menstrual symptoms

For some women, their time of the month can be extremely painful. Taking painkillers each time is not a wise option either. In such a scenario, one must go for natural options like fennel tea or simply chewing fennel seeds. The properties of these seeds are helpful in regulating hormonal action in the body. This eases menstrual pain and acts as a relaxing agent.


Chewing fennel seeds eases menstrual pain and acts as a relaxing agent.

Also read: Debunking Popular Myths About Menstruation

6. Boosts liver health

Fennel seeds contain high levels of selenium; this nutrient is known for its detox benefits for the liver. It boosts the production of enzymes in the liver and helps it detoxify naturally. For this, you can either chew fennel seeds or drink a cup of fennel tea every morning.

7. Treats acne

Regular consumption of fennel seeds boosts zinc, calcium and selenium levels in the body. These nutrients improve hormonal balance in the body and improve oxygen balance as well. These seeds have a cooling impact on your skin which keeps acne at bay and gives your skin a healthy glow.

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Disclaimer: This content including advice provides generic information only. It is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your own doctor for more information. NDTV does not claim responsibility for this information.

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