Would segmental vitiligo spread all over my body?
Q: I am a 25 years old female suffering from vitiligo for the last two years. The doctor has advised me to take Melanocyl tablet and to apply Placentrex lotion on the affected areas. I have white spots and patches on my legs. Would these spread all over my body? Am I on the right medication? Are there any side effects of Melanocyl tablet?
A:Segmental vitiligo usually remains localised. Both psoralens and Placentrex preparations are important medicines and are used extensively for treating vitiligo. Psoralens have been derived from bavchi seeds which have been used for centuries by the Ayurveda system of medication without any recorded adverse effects. There is a theoretical possibility of early development of cataract. This can be prevented by wearing dark glasses, when out in the sun, on the day you take psoralen tablets. Another concern is about high incidence of skin cancers. According to few studies, this has not been found true in the Asians. The normal skin is likely to tan excessively. By blocking the light, e.g. by sunscreens, during phototherapy, this tanning can be minimised.