Will I be able to walk normally after a leg and ankle fracture?
Q: I met with an industrial accident and fractured both my legs(left leg femur and right leg complete ankle joint collapsed). After surgeries (ORIF and nailing), I am able to walk. Will I be able to walk normally in future? Swelling is still present in the right ankle in the evenings. Do I have to go for a surgery to remove the plates and the rod?
A:You will be able to walk normally. This may take sometime so dont put any time frame for this. Gradually you will be able to take full load on both lower limbs. Exercises are very important at this stage. You need to do them under the supervision of a physiotherapist. Mobilising exercises followed by strengthening exercises are important. In addition to this, weight bearing exercises and gait training are important. Swelling around the ankle will also disappear gradually. Compression bandage and elevation of limb at night can be tried. You should consult the surgeon who operated you for the removal of the plate.