Will high level of prolactin pose any harm in future?
Q: I am 18 years old and facing a problem of high prolactin level from the last 2 years. I get a severe headache often. I went for a check up few days back and my prolactin level was 29. I am still on medication. Will the high level of prolactin harm me in future? Can I become pregnant easily?
A:An increased blood level of the hormone prolactin is called hyperprolactinaemia. This is a hormone produced in the pituitary gland, which leads to breast development during pregnancy and induces lactation. It also suppresses ovulation.The normal levels are usually less than 30 ng/ml though values may differ from lab to lab. The levels of prolactin may be raised in several diseases and also in some physiological conditions like pregnancy, strenuous exercise or a sample taken in a non-fasting state. The levels are raised in disorders like thyroid disease, drug intake, pituitary tumours, etc. You need to consult an endocrinologist who will examine you and then advise appropriately.